Some pages on this site make use of abbreviations. These abbreviations may be used somewhere in the boylove community but new to you. We've compiled a list of many of these abbreviations to make things a little easier for you. We hope you can make good use of this page.
These abbreviations include terms that may be specific to some parts of the community or disused in others. Some may have no relevance to the boylove community at all, but may appear in some discussions.
Hovering over words with dotted underlines will show a definition of that term.
AF: Adult Friend.
AoA: Age of Attraction.
AoC: Age of Consent.
BL: boylover, or boylove.
BM: Boy Moment.
CL: Childlover, or childlove.
CP: Child pornography.
EAoA: Emotional Age of Attraction
GL: girllover, girllove, or Good Luck (depends on context).
KiPo: Child pornography (from German, Kinderpornographie). May be written as KP.
LBL: Little Boylover.
LEA: Law Enforcement Agent, or Law Enforcement Agency.
LEO: Law Enforcement Officer.
MAA: Minor-Attracted Adult.
MAP: Minor-Attracted Person.
TBL: Teen Boylover.
TwBL: Tween Boylover.
YF: Young Friend.